Thursday, September 4, 2008

Proudly Presented and Done By:

Our Names: Tan Wei Ying, Goh Xue Ting

Class: Primary 5/3

Teacher-in-charge: Miss Emmeline Yu


School: Dazhong Primary School

Our feelings AFTER this project


I felt a great sense of achievement and pride as I have finished this project smoothly! Me and my friends have strenthened our friendship through teamwork and our dedication to the project. I feel that the success of this blog is the result of our love and care for the coral reefs and oceans!


I felt very great and I have done a good job with my partner. Me and my friends have showed teamwork! I know I am doing something that is good - helping to save the oceans and coral reefs!

NoW ThE coRAL rEeFs are iN DanGeR...ThE PeoPLe AroUnd ArE Not helPiNg us TO PrOTeCT tHe OceAN...tHE PEOpLe WHo iS hElPFul AND wHo CaRes wIlL hElP tO PRoTeCt ThE oCEANs!!

That means if we do it together, we still have time to save the reefs together! We must save the coral reefs by following the suggestions as shown in our blog. Although you may live thousands of miles from the coral reefs ecosystem, it is still important that we help coral reefs to survive!

Go and learn more about coral reefs and do help to save the reefs.....DO SAVE THE REEFS!!!!!!!!!!!

In progress....

While progressing, we felt better and did the work given by our teacher(which is to search online for information, add more pictures and posts).

This is me (Weiying) doing my work in the computer lab in our school.

Still busy adding in posts and pictures.

Our feelings BEFORE we started this project


Initially, I felt very blur, did not know what to do and felt very lost. I did not have much background knowledge on coral reefs and oceans. However, as my teacher explained to us about what the project is about and what we need to do, I felt less lost and knew how to start the blog.


Intially, I also felt very blur and don't know what are coralreefs. I only know I have to learn more about coral reefs and come up with a blog, but I was very lost. I felt very happy when I heard about this project from my teacher. Miss Yu explained it to me carefully and asked me to write many things. I thought about it and began learning more about coral reefs.

Interesting facts on coral reefs


Fact: Coral reefs are among the oldest ecosystems on Earth.

Fact: Coral reefs are the largest living structure on the planet.

Fact: Although coral reefs cover less than 1% of the Earth’s surface, they are home to 25% of all marine fish species.

Fact: 500 million people rely on coral reefs for their food and livelihoods.

Fact: Coral reefs form natural barriers that protect nearby shorelines from the eroding forces of the sea, thereby protecting coastal dwellings, agricultural land and beaches.

Fact: Without the existence of coral reefs, parts of Florida would be under water.

Fact: Coral reefs have been used in the treatment of cancer, HIV, cardiovascular diseases and ulcers.

Fact: Corals' porous limestone skeletons have been used for human bone grafts.

Fact: It is estimated that coral reefs provide $375 billion per year around the world in goods and services.

Fact: If the present rate of destruction continues, 70% of the world's coral reefs will be destroyed by the year 2050.

Types of corals

Patch reef – an isolated, often circular reef, usually within a lagoon or embayment
Located in shallow water 10-20' (3-6 m)
Outer edge ringed by sand
Dominated by large star and brain coral colonies

Ribbon reef – long, narrow, somewhat winding reef, usually associated with an atoll lagoon

Table reef – isolated reef, approaching an atoll type, but without a lagoon

Bank Reef – Bank reefs are larger than patch reefs and are linear or semi-circular in outline
Bank Reef Scene
credit: U.S. Geological Survey
Located seaward from patch reefs
High species diversity
Characterized by spur and groove formation

Coral reefs in Singapore

The picture as shown here are soft corals of Pulau Hantu, Singapore.

There were once over 60 offshore islands and patch reefs around Singapore, most of which were situated south of mainland Singapore. However, since the mid 1970s, major land reclamation was carried out on the mainland as well as the offshore southern islands. Most of the southern islands were reclaimed, adding 1695 ha to Singapore's total land area. Some islands were merged as a result. The reef flats of many islands e.g. Pulau Sudong, Pulau Hantu and Kusu Island were reclaimed right up to the reef slope. Many of the coral reef organisms were smothered by the reclamation, while others were severely affected by the resulting increase in water turbidity. Since 1986, most coral reefs in Singapore have lost up to 65% of their live coral cover.

Animals that need the oceans!

The pictures as shown here show that a lot of animals depend on the oceans to survive! The sting ray, the sea gull and the seals as seen in the pictures are some examples! Aren't the seals cute? You can see them sleeping here!

Pictures of beautiful corals

We found these pictures of coral reefs on the Internet. It is really amazing to see so many colourful corals! There are so many different types of corals as shown below in the pictures! Some of them look like our fingers sticking out. It is quite funny isn't it?

We can see from the pictures that a lot of fishes are attracted and dependent on coral reefs! So we must do our part in saving the coral reefs from being destroyed!

Monday, September 1, 2008

People swimming and snorkelling near coral reefs

We can snorkel near coral reefs but think about it, would you be happy snokelling at a place where there is no beautiful corals for you to see and explore? Coral reefs allows us to snorkel and see their beauty. We will be able to see fishes that are living in or near coral reefs! It will definitely be a very good experience!

The pictures below are taken at Hawaii by our teacher. Can you see a lot of people swimming near the coral reefs? We feel that the view is really beautiful. We hope to be able to go snorkelling near coral reefs one day!

Aren't the oceans beautiful?

Look at the pictures of the oceans below! Aren't they beautiful? Without oceans, we will not have such beautiful scenery. That is why oceans are very important to us, be it for its beautiful scenery, or the fact that they are home to many sea animals.

Coral reefs need clean water to thrive in. However, they are threatened and destroyed as the oceans are getting more polluted. We must not pollute the oceans anymore! We must save the coral reefs!

Beach Cleanup by our school

This is the beach cleanup that Dazhong Primary did as our community involvement program.
Our school would like everybody to save the reefs and not litter as the reefs are dying. So please do it as much to your abilty!