Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our feelings AFTER this project


I felt a great sense of achievement and pride as I have finished this project smoothly! Me and my friends have strenthened our friendship through teamwork and our dedication to the project. I feel that the success of this blog is the result of our love and care for the coral reefs and oceans!


I felt very great and I have done a good job with my partner. Me and my friends have showed teamwork! I know I am doing something that is good - helping to save the oceans and coral reefs!

NoW ThE coRAL rEeFs are iN DanGeR...ThE PeoPLe AroUnd ArE Not helPiNg us TO PrOTeCT tHe OceAN...tHE PEOpLe WHo iS hElPFul AND wHo CaRes wIlL hElP tO PRoTeCt ThE oCEANs!!

That means if we do it together, we still have time to save the reefs together! We must save the coral reefs by following the suggestions as shown in our blog. Although you may live thousands of miles from the coral reefs ecosystem, it is still important that we help coral reefs to survive!

Go and learn more about coral reefs and do help to save the reefs.....DO SAVE THE REEFS!!!!!!!!!!!

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